Knowledge and Expertise in Legal Field
Develop strong understanding of Indian constitution, Identify the statutory provision, judicial setup, and to develop legal knowledge.
Legal Research
Able to recognize the extent of information and to analyze critical legal issues, legal problems, to evaluate the source of information using quantitative and qualitative research techniques and develop effective solutions to complex legal problems.
Digital Literacy
cases and information from various sources such as on line search engine ,digital library etc.
Problem solving
Able to develop strategies and process, learn to encourage proactive role in legal domain, develop Problem solving attitude, identify and analyze areas of legal issue.
Legal Communication
Able to receive, process, comprehend and convey information effectively. Drafting of legal documents affiliates and legal notices.
Behavioral leadership skills
Demonstrate confidence to participate in complex legal situations. To demonstrate leadership skills to meet challenges
Global legal citizen
Develop an understanding of global standards to foster legal environment. Learn and practice to critically analyze the legal issues from local, national and international concerns
Professional Ethics of Legal Profession
Demonstrate honesty, integrity, fairness and generosity without any biases in professional life, be committed to social justice & learn to appreciate diversity and equality, demonstrate ethical behavior at all situations.
Legal Entrepreneurship and Employability
Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills by identifying opportunities and creating their own ventures.
Life long learning
Able to set high standards and preparation to develop legal skills that are essential to their success in professional society. Capability to contribute to civil society, demonstrate social responsibility in social change, have appreciation as a lawyer for overall growth.
Knowledge and Expertise in Legal Field
Law graduate will be able to - Demonstrate strong understanding of Indian constitution, Legal philosophy and Jurisprudence, Identify and comprehend the Legal Regime, dispense justice through institutional setup, and to apply legal knowledge to real life situation.
Self directed Legal Skills and Learning
Law graduate will be able to - utilize their potentials to attain legal skills and knowledge, think & work independently for self-development, willingly to learn new legal developments, demonstrate innovative and creative learning in law
Legal Research and Enquiry
Law graduate will be able to - recognize the use of information and analyze critical legal issues and problems, to evaluate the source of information using quantitative and qualitative research techniques and develop effective solutions to complex legal problems, develop crtical judgement analysis.
Digital Legal Literacy and skills
Law graduate will be able to - synthesize cases and information from various sources such as on line search engine ,digital library, e-resources, develop self-paced learning, evaluate the authencity and source of information
Critical Legal Thinking & Problem-Solving
Law graduate will be able to - Able to develop strategies and process, learn to encourage proactive role in legal domain, develop Problem solving attitude, identify and analyze areas of legal issue.
Legal Communication skills
Law graduate will be able to - perceive, comprehend and convey information effectively, Draft the legal documents precisely.
Legal Creativity, Innovation & Reflective Thinking
Law graduate will be able to - demonstrate intellectual creativity useful for legal profession, develop independent and innovative thinking, evaluate and develop responses to social changes
Legal Analysis & Decision-Making Ability
Law graduate will be able to - demonstrate the use of analytical skills in real time and complex situation for effective decision making, proficient in choosing best or alternative remedy for problem solving,
Leadership & Teamwork Skill
Law graduate will be able to - Demonstrate confidence to participate in complex legal situations, demonstrate leadership skills to meet challenges, proficient in resolving problem through teamwork
Global legal citizen
Law graduate will be able to - Develop sensibility and adaptability towards human diversity, acceptability of multicultre and understanding of global standards to foster legal environment, Evaluate and explore the impact of muticultre in the legal issues from local, national and international concerns.
Professional Ethics and Integrity of Legal Profession
Law graduate will be able to - Demonstrate honesty, integrity, fairness and generosity without any biases in professional life, be committed to social justice & learn to appreciate diversity and equality, demonstrate ethical behavior at all situations.
Social & Emotional Skills
Law graduate will be able to - demonstrate the adaptability in complex situation, support other and create conducive working environment
Legal Entrepreneurship and Employability
Law graduate will be able to - Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills by identifying opportunities and creating their own ventures, develop skills and knowlwdge according to industry demand, demostrate the use of technology enhancing professional skills, develop creative intellectual having social impacts
Life long learning
Law graduate will be able to - demonstrate the attitude of continous learning and upgradation in the changing environment, set high standards in developing legal skills essential in professional, Capability to contribute to civil society, demonstrate social responsibility in social change, have appreciation as a lawyer for overall growth.
Environment & Sustainability
Law graduate will be able to - Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of legal profession resolving complex social, legal and environmental context,