Faculties / Domains

APPLY NOW 2025 Admissions

A. Mission

To provide high quality education at various levels that results in knowledge and abilities for meaningful employment, entrepreneurship, value education and lifelong learning in the areas of Agricultural Sciences, food, natural resources and life sciences as they relate to the environment, farmer communities and society at large.

B. Graduate Attributes

  • Knowledge 

    Able to acquire Agricultural concepts, understanding of Agricultural Production Systems and its marketing at National and International level. Competent in applying acquired knowledge and skills to support the farmers and other stakeholders

  • Research & Analytical Ability 

    Able to analyse critical Agricultural issues, to evaluate the source of information using quantitative and qualitative research techniques and develop effective solutions to intricate problems.

  • Information & Communication Technology 

    Able to find solutions to bridge the communication gap with farming community using Information & Communication Technology. Able to diffuse innovations and information to end users along with transfer of Agricultural Technologies

  • Problem Solving 

    Able to provide solutions to field and scientific problems in crop production, protection, value addition and marketing.

  • Effective Horti-Extension & Communication 

    Develop and Design effective communication methods and materials targeted predominantly for easy comprehension by farming community. React and respond proactively in verbal, non-verbal and written modes to all issues addressed, able to receive, process, comprehend and convey information on timely basis. Communicate clearly and confidently, and listen and negotiate effectively with others.

  • Leadership and Behaviour skills 

    Demonstrate initiativeness and confidence to participate in complex organizational situations, strive for Self-management skills, expression of values and trust in empowering team members, able to be an emotionally intelligent manager, encourage intellectual autonomy to meet management challenges among managers, able to collaborate and synthesis personal goals and organizational objectives to avoid conflicting interest.

  • Global Techno-Managers 

    Demonstrate personal accountability by applying solutions to diverse challenges facing agricultural systems. Ability to understand gain cross cultural knowledge for developing adaptability, valuing human diversity in resolving complex situations.

  • Ethics and professional conduct 

    Demonstrate a critical understanding of environmental, economic, social and ethical factors related to plant and animal-derived food and fibre production nationally and Internationally. Learn to appreciate diversity and equality, demonstrate ethical behaviours at all situations.

  • Horti business Entrepreneurship 

    Able to identify, plan and develop opportunities within the disciplines of Agricultural Domain. Learn the skills necessary to independently plan and execute a business idea.

  • Lifelong learning 

    Understand the value of industry and professional networks and their importance to self reliance, lifelong learning and career progression.

  • Knowledge and Expertise of Agri-Food Business Sector 

    The domain graduates will have the ability. To apply Discipline Specific Knowledge and expertise in the Agri-Horti sector at local, National & International level. To Demonstrate the ability to farmers and farm based enterprises. To convert theory into practical concepts into relevant skills for the benefit of farmers and community at large

  • Self-Directed Active Learning in Agriculture 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability . To maximize their potential by utilizing their academic excellence into meaningful societal goals in Agri-Horticulture sector. To grasp opportunities and take personal responsibility for self-improvement in various agri-horticultural activities. To demonstrate perseverance and willingness to learn as per the current national and global scenario in agri-horticulture sectors · To Think independently, analytically and creatively invoking self-directed learning for critical appraisals leading to new & emerging issues in Agri-Horticulture sector

  • Research & Analysis in Agri-Food business Sector 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability • To create new knowledge and opportunities in the Agri-Horticulture sector • To formulate research programme based on integrated qualitative and quantitative issues pertaining to Agri-Horticulture sector • To exercise critical thinking and judgment to develop effective sustainable strategies in agri-horticulture sector

  • Information , Communication & Digital Technology 

    Graduates of the Domain will have the ability · To develop self-paced learning through various tools and techniques of Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture sensors, etc · To locate, analyse, evaluate, and synthesise agriculrure related information from varied sources like Remote sensing, use of GPS in a planned and timely manner · To Use and apply appropriate weather forecasting tools and methodologies to provide need based assistance, guidance and monitoring to farming community

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Abilities to address need based Agri-Food sector issues 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability · To identify & forecast problems in farming activities · To demonstrate specific research skills for addressing emergant on farm issues · To apply critical, innovative and research based interventions to address future challenges in Agri-Horticulture sector.

  • Communication Skills 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability · To verbal and written communication skills in the area of agri-Horticulture sector. · To effectively use appropriate communication technologies to reach out to the relevant stakeholders of Agri-Horticulture sector · To disseminate scientific information precisely and accurately by utilizing print and face to face media - Develop and Design effective extension methods and materials targeted predominantly for easy comprehension and applicability by the farming community.

  • Creativity, Innovation & reflective thinking 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability · To demonstrate the independent, conceptual and creative skills to address any issue confronting farm sector · To develop creative and effective responses to farm based opinions, issues, challenges and strategies

  • Analytical & Decision Making Ability 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability · To determine relevant data and evaluate information in order to understand complex situations impacting farming activity and provide effective sustainable solutions · To demonstrate independent thinking and openness to new ideas in improving farming and farmers situation · To exhibit cross domain knowledge for effective addressing the challenges faced by farming activity . To demonstrate skills in making best choices for improving crop production and cropping system patterns

  • Leadership & Teamwork Abilities in Agri-Food business Sector 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability • To display initiativeness and leadership skills to foster sustainable farm practices • To display team spirit by engaging with stakeholders like farmers, farm based enterprises etc in a spirit of mutual trust, autonomy to build collaborative culture • To influence the farming community to organise into effective networks for making the farming activity more resourceful - To Display initiative, honesty, integrity and diligence by empathizing with farmers and associated stakeholders..

  • Global Techno-Researchers 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability • To appreciate social & economic diversity, values and beliefs of multiple global cultures having a bearing on farming activities as well as farm produces · To demonstrate sensibility, adaptability, valuing human diversity in resolving complex farming situations based on scientific logic , ecological issues, environmental concerns etc. · To explore organizational issues from different cultural perspectives and recognising the opportunities in decision making process - Evaluate impact of globalization and liberalization on the agriculture/Horticulture sector and farmers in particular. - Ability to understand technological advancements in farm operations and their implications on economy thereby applying them for developing adaptability and managing diversity in global farming operations

  • Ethicals and professional conduct 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability • To display integrity at work and be responsible global citizens with moral values to meet the national and global food & nutrition demands • To demonstrate as well as impart ethical practices in farm operations involving human resources and machinery keeping in view their long term impacts on health and well being • To practice the highest standards of ethical behaviour in discharging their responsibilities as farm technocracts · To appreciate concerns on environment sustainability and planet health having bearing on farm produce sustainability

  • Social & Emotional Skills 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability • To demonstrate adaptability and resilience farm operation skills at all times and especially during stress conditions and mitigate them • To be self confident in farm related operations and have the capacity to accept responsibility and give constructive guidance to farmers and other stake holders involved in agri-horti sectors · To establish support groups for farmers with empathy and build interpersonal relationships with relevant stakeholders from farm enterprises - Learn to appreciate diversity and equality, and emulate social and emotional connect with Agri and Horticulture Sectors

  • Employability , enterprise and Entrepreneurship 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability – · To develop knowledge and skills to gain employment opportunities in farm related activities · To improve on functional, technological and behavioural competencies to develop professionalism in Agri-Horti sector · To possess enterprising skills to bring new farming business ideas and start a new ventures in Agri-Horticulture sectors · To think creatively and innovate new farm based products and add value to farm produce with a social impact · To generate new ideas, design value added horticulture based products, gain commercialized patents

  • Lifelong Learning 

    Graduates of the domain will have the ability- · To demonstrate an attitude for continuous learning and reflection furthering their understanding of the farm related operations, food security and nutritional challenges for the humanity · To appreciate changes in farming activity over a period of time and be responsive to the changing scenarios · To maintain intellectual curiosity and inquiring mind throughout life for gaining knowledge in various facets of farm related technological as well as policy issues

  • Environment & Sustainability issues in Agriculture sector 

    The Graduates of the domain will have the ability – . To analyse and implement the initiative to conserve natural farming practices, ecosystem resources and develop sustainable farming technologies by using knowledge and experience of Agriculture & Horticulture

C. List Of Institutes