
21 Jun 2024 |Noida

Amity University, Noida

Amity University celebrates 10th International Day of Yoga

Celebration of 10th International Yoga Day at Amity University


Amity University celebrated the 10th International Day of Yoga, on the Theme, “Yoga for Self and Society”, with the aim to provide a major fillip to yoga in line with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Ministry of AYUSH to promote health & wellbeing across the globe.


Highlighting the significance of World Yoga Day, Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, said, Amity University has always encouraged its students and teachers to practice yoga every day, since yoga is extremely crucial for our holistic health, including our mental and physical well-being. A healthy person can significantly contribute to creating a happy society and nation. Yoga has been a part of Indian culture since ages and today, it has become immensely popular across the world due to the efforts of our Hon’ble Prime Minister in propagating this wonderful practice.”

On the occasion of World Yoga Day, Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation was awarded with the prestigious Yoga Ratna Award -2024 by Shwaasa Yoga Centre in association with the Santosh Lad Foundation, in the august presence of Shri Siddaramaiah, Chief Minister of Karnataka, at Torangallu, Bellary District Karnataka. The award was conferred upon Dr. W. Selvamurthy for his significant contributions in the field of Yoga, profound commitment to leveraging yogic practices for modern health challenges alongside scientifically validating Yoga as a powerful tool for enhancing physical and mental well-being.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. W. Selvamurthy, President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation said, “I’m extremely honored and privileged to receive the Yoga Ratna Award on the occasion of World Yoga Day. We must practice, promote and propagate Yoga which will contribute towards Viksit Bharat and create a happy and peaceful world. Since ancient times, Yoga has been a way of life which takes care of all aspects of life– physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Yoga helps to establish a balance between the body, mind and soul, essential for a happy and healthy life.”


Dr. Selvamurthy has undertaken a series of research to understand the prophylactic, promotive and curative potentials of Yogic Practices and based on the outcome of these research studies, Yoga training has been institutionalised for soldiers posted at high altitude areas to significantly improve their physical and mental resilience. As the Chairman of the Assessment Committee under the Yoga Certification Board (YCB) of the Ministry of AYUSH, Dr. Selvamurthy has set high standards for Yoga certification and accreditation. He has also represented India at World Health Assembly in Geneva and House of Lords, UK, where he highlighted the benefits of Yoga as part of complementary medicine systems. At Amity, Dr. Selvamurthy has been instrumental in establishing Amity Institute of Indian Systems of Medicine, where undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses are being conducted in addition to research and training. He has also published many research papers on Yoga and its physiological impacts.


During World Yoga Day celebrations at Amity, Dr. Garima Jaiswal, Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Indian System of Medicine, Dr. Umesh Kumar, Program Leader, Amity Institute of Indian System of Medicine and Dr. Sandeep Acharya, Yoga Instructor, Amity Institute of Indian System of Medicine, led a yoga session for the faculty of Amity and taught various yoga asanas like Dandasana, Vrakasan, Vrajasana, Shashanak Asana, Manduk Asana, Bhunjagasana, Pawanmuktasana, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, and others. Also present on the occasion was Dr. S.K. Srivastava, Mentor- Amity Institute of Indian System of Medicine and an International Journal on Eternal Wisdom and Contemporary Science by Global IITians for Quantum Consciousness (GI4QC Forum) was also launched.