Dr Achyut Shankar

Associate Professor

Amity School of Engineering and Technology
  • Qualifications

    Doctorate : Ph.D.-2018,Vellore Institute of Tech., Tamil Nadu

  • Experience

    26 Mar 2018 - Present
    Associate Professor,
    Amity School of Engineering and Technology

  • Publications

    Hybrid model for security-aware cluster head selection in wireless sensor networks ,
    Institution of Engineering and Technology

    I-CARES: advancing health diagnosis and medication through IoT ,

    Modified fuzzy-based greedy routing protocol for VANETs ,
    IOS Press

    An efficient hybrid methodology for detection of cancer-causing gene using CSC for micro array data ,

    Increasing fault tolerance ability and network lifetime with clustered pollination in wireless sensor networks ,

    Achieving concurrency in cloud-orchestrated Internet of Things for resource sharing through multiple concurrent access ,
    John Wiley & Sons

    Big Data analytics and IoT in Operation safety management in Under Water Management ,

    Privacy preserving E-voting cloud system based on ID based encryption ,

    Penetration testing framework for smart contract Blockchain ,

    Fuzzy-Logic-Inspired Zone-Based Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks ,

    Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin network (2016-2020) ,