Dr Sujata Pandey

Director, AIDC

Amity Innovation and Design Centre
  • Qualifications

    Graduation : B.Sc.(Electronics)-1992,D.N. College, Hisar

    Post Graduation : M.Sc.(Electronics)-1994,Kurukeshetra University

    Doctorate : Ph.D.(Electronics)-1999,Delhi University

  • Experience

    25 Mar 2008 - Present
    Director, AIDC,
    Amity Innovation and Design Centre

    01 Jun 2002 - 24 Mar 2008
    Assistant professor,

  • Current Courses Taught

    Innovation by Design

    Research Methodology - E&T

  • Publications

    Digitally Controlled Oscillator design with Variable Capacitance XOR Gate ,

    Performance analysis of quantum transport phenomenon in fully depleted double gate deca nanometer SOI MOSFET ,
    International Journal of Electron Devices

    An Energy-Efficient Full Adder Design Based on Energy Recovery Gates and Multiplexer Architecture ,
    IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Low power CMOS full adder design with body biasing approach ,
    Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems

    Level Shifter for Low Power Applications with Body Bias Technique ,
    International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST)

    Compact Modeling and Simulation of nanoscale Fully Depleted DG-SOI MOSFETS ,
    Journal of Computational Electronics

    Low Power CMOS Digitally Controlled Oscillator ,
    International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

    Level Shifter Design for Low Power Applications ,
    International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)

    Fuzzy based Pixel wise Information Extraction for Face Recognition ,
    International Journal of Engineering and Technology

    An Illumination Invariant Accurate Face Recognition with Down Scaling of DCT Coefficients ,
    Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT

    Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Logarithm Transform with Rescaled Low Frequency DCT Coefficients for Illumination Normalization ,
    International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering

    Noise analysis of Sub quarter micrometer AlGaN/GaN microwave power HEMT ,
    Journal of Semiconductor technology and Science

    A new 2D C-V model to predict maximum frequency of oscillation (fmax) of deep submicron AlGaN/GaN based microwave power HEMTs ,
    Microelectronics Journal

    Modeling and Analysis of fully strained and partially relaxed lattice mismatched AlGaN/GaN HEMT for High Temperature Applications ,
    Superlattices and Microstructures

    A compact C–V model for 120 nm AlGaN/GaN HEMT with modified field dependent mobility for high frequency applications ,
    Microelectronics Journal

    An analytical two dimensional model for AlGaN/GaN HEMT with polarization effects for high power applications ,
    Microelectronics Journal

    Microwave analysis of a 70nm InGaAs pHEMT on InP substrate for nanoscale digital IC application ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    Polarization dependent analysis of Alm Ga1-mN/GaN HEMT for high power applications, ,
    Solid State Electronics

    A Novel approach for face recognition using DCT coefficients re-scaling for illumination normalization ,
    15th Intl Conference on Advanced computing and communication

    A fast and robust approach for modeling of nanoscale compound semiconductors for high speed digital applications ,
    Journal of Semiconductor technology and Science

    Analysis of Noise in Fully Depleted n-channel Double Gate SOI MOSFET ,
    Journal of Semiconductor technology and Science

    Temperature dependent characterization of InAlAs/InGaAs/InP LM-HEMT for microwave frequency applications ,
    Proceedings of SPIE

    An analytical 2-D model for drain induced barrier lowering in sub-quarter micrometer InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs/InP LMHEMT ,
    Microelectronics Journal

    Carrier concentration dependent low field mobility model for InAlAs/InGaAs/InP lattice matched HEMT for microwave applications ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    Current Voltage characteristics and small signal parameters of an AlGaAs/GaAs modulation doped field effect transistors ,
    International Journal of Electronics

    Temperature and aluminum composition dependent sheet carrier concentration at the heterointerface ,
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

    Capacitance Modeling of 120nm AlGaN/GaN HEMT For Microwave and ,
    Asia Pacific Microwave Conference

    Current-voltage characteristics and field distribution of pseudomorphic (AlGaAs/InGaAs) modulation doped field effect transistor for microwave circuit application ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    Analytical model for DC and small signal parameters of AlGaN/GaN modulation doped field effect transistors for microwave circuit applications ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    A two-dimensional capacitance-voltage of AlGaAs/GaAs modulation doped field effect transistor for high frequency performance ,
    IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices

    Thermal characterization of a double gate silicon-on-Insulator MOSFET ,
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

    Modeling of Nanoscale GaN FET in a Compact2-D Model with Gate Stack Effects ,

    Transconductance extraction for pseudomorphic modulation doped field effect transistor (AlGaAs/InGaAs) for microwave and millimeter wave applications ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    Capacitance voltage characteristics and cut-off frequency of pseudomorphic (AlGaAs/InGaAs) modulation doped field effect transistor for microwave and high speed circuit applications ,
    Microwave and Optical Technology Letters

    Low power digitally controlled oscillator designs with novel 3 transistor XNOR gate ,
    IOP Science

    Digital controlled oscillator design with novel 3 transistors XOR gate ,
    International Journal of Smart Home, Korea

    Voltage controlled ring oscillator design with novel 3 transistor XNOR/XOR gates ,
    Circuit and System Journal, USA

    Single bit full adder design using 8 transistors with novel 3 transistor XNOR gate ,
    International Journal of VLSI and Communication

    Low power voltage controlled oscillator with with substrate biasing ,
    Interbational Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering

    Green's function approach for modeling of electrostatic effects in nanoscale fully depleted double-gate silicon-on-insulator metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors ,

    Ring VCO Design with variable capacitance XNOR gate delay ,

    Implementation of 8B/10B Encoder-Decoder for Gigabit Ethernet Frame ,

    VCO Design with Variable Capacitance XOR Gate ,
    The IUP Journal of Telecommunications

    Simulation and Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Gate-all-Around Junctionless Nanowire Transistors ,

    A Novel Multi-threshold CMOS Based 64-bit Adder Design in 45nm CMOS technology for low power application ,
    UK Simulation Society

    Design Techniques for Noise-Tolerant Power-Gated CMOS Circuits ,

    Work Function Engineered Charge Plasma Diodes for Enhanced performance ,

    Design Techniques for Noise-Tolerant Power-Gated CMOS Circuits ,

    A Novel Digital Background Calibration technique for a 16 bit SHA less Multibit Pipelined ADC ,
    Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    Analysis of SRAM bit cell topologies in submicron CMOS technology ,
    UK Simulation Society

    High Performance 14-Bit Pipelined RSD ADC, ,
    IOP Science

    A method for energy harvesting using piezoelectric transducers ,
    Transtech Publications Germany

    Design and simulation of a Low Voltage, Low Power OTA based Filter for biomedical Signal Recognition ,

    III-V Junctionless Nanowire Transistor with High-k Dielectric Material and Schottky Contacts ,
    American Scientific Publisher

    Two Dimensional Modeling of III-V Heterojunction Gate All Around Tunnel Field Effect Transistor ,

    Quantum Mechanical analysis of GaN nanowire transistor for high voltage applications ,

    Simulation and Finite Element Analysis of Electrical Characteristics of Gate-all-Around Junctionless Nanowire Transistors ,
    Journal of nano-electron Physics,

    A Novel Multi-threshold CMOS Based 64-bit Adder Design in 45nm CMOS technology for low power application ,
    International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology

    Novel de?ign technique? for noi?e-tolerant powergated CMOS circuitS ,
    Journal of Semiconductors (IOP SCIENCE)

    A Novel Digital Background Calibration technique for a 16 bit SHA less Multibit Pipelined ADC ,

    Implementation of a IOT framework for smart healthcare ,
    IEEE International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017)

    A new hexagonal multipatch antenna ,
    IEEE International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017),

    Analysis of multilayered SAW based gas sensor ,
    IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI 2017)

    System Model for Air and Sound Pollution Level monitoring Based on IOT ,
    IEEE International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017),

    A novel multi-patch triangular antenna for energy harvesting ,
    International Conference on Smart Innovations in Communications and Computational Sciences (ICSICCS-

    Study and Implementation of IOT based Smart Healthcare System ,
    IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICEI 2017

    Implementation of a Low Cost Real time Air and Sound Pollution Level Monitoring System ,
    International Conference on Smart Innovations in Communications and Computational Sciences (ICSICCS-

    Effect of substrate material on sensing behaviour of SAW based gas sensors ,
    International Conference on Functional Materials, Characterization, Solid State Physics, Power, Ther

    A framework for Monitoring Air and Sound Pollution Levels Based on IOT, ,

    IOT based health monitoring systems, ,

    A novel design of multi patch antenna, ,

    Measurement of Bandwidth and FFT of a low frequency modulated signal in a Phase locked VCO ,

    Analysis of Schottky barrier Indium Arsenide nanowire MOSFET for high frequency application ,

    Multiphysics Simulation of InP NWT for high speed digital applications ,

    Thermal Analysis of III-V Transistor at high frequencies ,

    Modified Sierpenski Antenna With Metamaterial For Wireless Applications ,
    Elsevier International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies –ICAMT2016

    Effect of Surface Passivation on the Electrical Characteristics of Nanoscale AlGaN/GaN HEMT ,
    Elsevier International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies –ICAMT2016,

    Analysis of the Effect of Variation of Reference Channel on Neuronal Activity for Motor Imagery Electroencephalography Signal ,
    in International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems

    Design and Implementation of hybrid energy harvesting System for low power devices ,
    International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems

    A 2D Analytical Model for Potential Distribution of GAA Tunnel Field Effect Transistor ,
    International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems,

    Design of a Wide Output Range and Reduced Current Mismatch Charge Pump PLL with Improved Performance ,
    Second International Symposium on Emerging Topics in Circuits and Systems (SET-CAS'16

    Investigation of Material Engineered Junctionless Cylindrical Gate MOSFET with and without Source/Drain extension, ,
    International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2016

    Design and Implementation of High Speed Reconfigurable NoC Router, ,
    International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2016)

    Analytical Modeling and Simulation Based Investigation of Advanced TFET Architectures ,
    IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics and Telecommunication,

    A new high speed three stage class B output buffer for LCD applications ,
    International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2016)

    Development and Analysis of IOT Framework for Healthcare Application ,
    International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (ICCCCS- 2016)(Spring

    TCAD analysis of nanoscale AlGaN/GaN HEMT for Application in Terahertz Regime ,
    International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT 2016)

    Computational Analysis of Potential Profile of III-V Heterojunction Gate-All-Around Tunneling FET for Low Power Digital Circuits ,
    International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology

    IoTEE-An integrated framework for rapid trusted IOT application development ,
    International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology

    Design and simulation of GaN HEMT and its application to RF amplifiers ,

    14 bit 150 MS/s SHA-less Multibit Pipelined ADC ,
    International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System

    Computational Analysis for Tumor Detection of MRI Brain Images ,
    IEEE 3rd International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System

    CMOS Voltage Controlled Oscillator with a negative delay for improved performance ,
    IEEE International conference on electrical, electronics and optimization techniques, ICEEOT

    Physical Design Implementation of 32-bit AMBA ASB APB module with improved performance ,
    IEEE International conference on electrical, electronics and optimization techniques, ICEEOT

    An Efficient Multistage Security System For User Authentication ,
    IEEE International conference on electrical, electronics and optimization techniques, ICEEOT

    IOT Framework Analysis: Connectivity, Security & Privacy of Sensor Data ,
    IEEE 3rd International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System

    A novel design of multiband patch antenna with improved performance ,
    inIEEE 3rd International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System,I

    Power Analysis & Implementation of Physical design USB 3.0 Architecture using HDL ,
    inIEEE 3rd International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System,

    Metamaterial inspired multiband slotted antenna with improved performance in IOT band ,
    IEEE 3rd International conference on Innovation in Information Embedded and Communication System,

    Simulation and Analysis of Si GAA Nanowire Tunneling FET ,
    IEEE International conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technolog

    A novel design of Fractal Antenna: Effect of different dielectric substrate materials ,
    ICRTMD (Springer Conference

    Multiphysics analysis of heat transfer in Gate All Around Silicon Nanowire Transistor: Material perspective ,
    ICRTMD (Springer)

    Controlled synthesis and characterization of Cadmium Sulphide nanoparticles for Organic Light Emitting Diodes’s, ,
    3rd International e workshop/conference on computational condensed matter physics and material scie

    Modelling and Finite Element Analysis of Si and InAs Gate All Around (GAA) Nanowire Transistors ,
    in 12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, on Electronics, Energy, Environment, Comm

    Analysis of GaSb/InAs Heterojunction Gate All Around Tunnel FET (HGAATFET) ,
    acceptedin12th IEEE India International Conference, INDICON 2015, on Electronics, Energy, Environmen

    Finite element analysis of silicon GAA nanowire transistor with different high k-dielectrics ,

    A new design of Aluminum Cantilever with Embedded Piezoelectric Ceramic Film in RF MEMS Devices for energy harvesting ,

    Implementation of AMBA APB Bridge with Efficient Deployment of System Resources ,
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control IC4

    Design and Verification of 8b/10b Encoder/Decoder for USB 3.0 applications ,
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control IC4,

    Leakage power reduction in MTCMOS based high speed adders ,
    IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control IC4

    “Simulation and study of the effects of EM radiations on cantilever beams with RF functionality ,

    Small signal parameter extraction of II-V heterojunction surrounding gate tunnel field effect transistor ,
    Sumy State University

    A Dual Vt Disturb-Free Subthreshold SRAM With Write-Assist and Read Isolation (WARI) and Write-Back for Half-Selected Cells ,
    IOP Science

    III-V Junctionless Nanowire Transistor with High-k Dielectric Material and Schottky Contacts ,

    Study of IOT based Health monitoring devices ,

    Analysis of Calibration Techniques for pipelined ADCs ,

    A Low Cost Efficient solution for Smart Healthcare based on Internet of Things ,

    Design of RF transceiver for multiple frequency bands with phase controlled transmission ,

    Simulation of bi-layer organic polymer light emitting diode using LiF/Al cathode, ,

    Switching characteristics of InN Tunnel field effect transistor and its application in design of RF amplifiers ,

    GaN based Tunnel Field Effect Transistor for Terahertz Applications, ,

  • Projects

    Entrepreneurship Development Programmeby (NSTEDB - DST)

    Entreprebeurship Development Programmeby (NSTEDB - DST)

    Entrepreneurship Development Programmeby (NSTEDB - DST)

    EAC and FDP Training programmesby (NSTEDB - DST)


  • Conferences attended

    2nd Global Industrial R&D Conclave
    Organized By :CII and Czech Republic, MSME and CSIR

    The India Networks Summit 2010
    Organized By :NDS

    Intellectual property for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises(MSMEs) , Policy Makers & Facilit
    Organized By :WIPO

    Upscaling and Mainstreaming Renewables for Energy Security, Climate Change and Economic Development
    Organized By :The Government of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy

    Technology Summit and Technology platform,(partner country-Germany)
    Organized By :CII

    Indian Science Congress
    Organized By :SRM University

    Network Communication and Computer – ICNCC 2011
    Organized By :ICNCC

    Chemistry for a Sustainable Future: Serenading a Great Legacy
    Organized By :INSA Indian National Science Academy

    IEEE International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA 2017)
    Organized By :KEC