Globally Benchmarked.
Amity benchmarks only against the best universities around the world. Amity’s faculty and senior team members travel all over the globe to imbibe the best practices, so that students get the best environment to pursue their dreams.


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The Theatres of Knowledge

A multitude of budding engineers, lawyers, scientists, journalists... study in

classrooms at any
point of time.

All classrooms at Amity campuses are spacious and air-conditioned & most of them are amphitheatre style. They provide the most conducive atmosphere for dynamic and focused discussions.

Classrooms at Amity have been designed to bring together analysis with action and are augmented with integrated audio-visual teaching aids for lectures, presentations etc.


Forums for Cultivating Team Spirit
students can brainstorm at the same time in

Ability to work as a team is a critical skill in the corporate work-place which Amity students learn to master in Syndicate Rooms.

The Syndicate Rooms provide the perfect setting to acquire team skills through exercises like brain-storming sessions, group discussions, role-plays etc.

e-Learning Studio

Accessing Knowledge Online

e-Learning Studios are the focal point for conducting Amity University's various online courses through distance learning. Live Virtual Classes are held wherein faculty members conduct tutorials using various teaching aids including PPTs, graphics, etc.

Amity also offers tele-education in all 53 Pan-African nations through a Govt. of India Project.