Faculties / Domains

APPLY NOW 2025 Admissions

A. Mission

To provide education at all levels in Hospitality & Tourism disciplines of modern times and in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of Hospitality & Tourism knowledge, learning and research and to develop the overall personality of students by making them not only excellent professionals but also good individuals, with understanding and regards for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage of conviction and action.

B. Graduate Attributes

  • Hospitality and Tourism Knowledge 

    Define Hospitality and Tourism concepts, Review of Components and Characteristics of Service Industry. Analyze functioning of Hotels and Travel Agency Business in order to assess collaborative Intellectual Development. Knowledge of Tourism Destinations.

  • Research and inquiry in Hospitality and Tourism 

    Application based Research Aptitude. Knowledge of best Hospitality and Tourism industry practices. Distinguish between Quantitative and Qualitative research techniques to develop effective solutions to resolve complex Hospitality and Tourism Industry problems.

  • Application of IT and Automation in Hospitality and Tourism 

    Demonstrate ability to handle complex information data base pertaining to Hospitality and Tourism sector. Apply use of latest Information Technology Tools and Techniques in handling Business Solutions effectively.

  • Analytical and Problem solving skills in Hospitality and Tourism 

    Express problem solving ability under adverse situations. Identify, Analyze and Synthesize correct information for resolving Issues and arriving at appropriate solutions.

  • Communication Skills in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Destination Management 

    Demonstrate High Standard of Oral, Written and Visual Communication Skills relevant to Hospitality and Tourism. Develop Communication skills for Clarity and Confidentiality Discuss, Listen and Negotiate Effectively with Clients and Guests. Diagnose and Develop Effective CRM Strategies.

  • Team dynamics and group behavior 

    Demonstrate high level of Inter-personal understanding, working in Team with Leadership qualities. Predict, Initiate and Embrace changes in the Hospitality and Tourism sector.

  • Global citizenship in Hospitality and Tourism sectors. 

    Recognize and Demonstrate the Global Code of Ethics for Hospitality and Tourism as proposed by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Manage to work Effectively, Responsibly and Sensibly in Global context. Practice, Preach and Support Global Responsible Behavior.

  • Ethics and Responsible behavior in Tourism and Hospitality operations 

    Demonstrate Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Compassionate conduct in Professional Life. Recognize Business Ethics for successful Business Operations and Customer Relations in Hospitality and Tourism Sector. Practice Professional Ethics in line with Social Responsibility Framework designated for Hospitality and Tourism sectors.

  • Employability & Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism 

    Explore creativity, innovation and collaboration in Hospitality and Tourism. To Demonstrate Risk taking Ability, Critical Decision Making, and Optimize use of Human Resource through formulation of Effective Methods pertaining to Hospitality and Tourism sector. Appraise the use of special skills acquired.

  • Life-Long Learning 

    Develop Confidence and Capability to set Rigorous and High Standards, necessary in Hospitality and Travel Trade. Formulate Knowledge Based Skills in accordance with the Changing Dynamics of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry.

  • Discipline Knowledge & Expertise 

    The student shall be able to develop knowledge and skills to integrate principles of Hospitality & Tourism to achieve academic excellence

  • Self-directed and Active learning 

    The student shall be able to choose self–directed and active learning through strong intellectual engagement in independent work relevant to Hospitality & Tourism discipline

  • Research and Enquiry 

    The student shall demonstrate scientific enquiry and research aptitude to conduct innovative research in thrust areas of Hospitality & Tourism, benefitting society, which will enhance the intellectual capital of the domain.

  • Information & Communication Technology Skills 

    The student shall be able to efficiently use and apply information and communication technologies and participate in collaborative networks for developing requisite skills of Industry 4.0

  • Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Abilities 

    The student shall formulate critical thinking, interpret and comprehend research-based knowledge to design and synthesize solutions to scientific problems in Hospitality & Tourism

  • Communication Skills 

    The student shall be able to employ effective listening and communication skills to enhance interpersonal relationship.

  • Creativity, Innovation & Reflective Thinking 

    The student shall be able to combine scientific creativity and thinking to critically evaluate innovative ideas in Hospitality & Tourism for developing processes and products relevant to industry/societal needs.

  • Analytical & Decision-Making Ability 

    The student shall be able to compare, contrast and analyze data in order to take appropriate and effective decisions.

  • Leadership & Teamwork 

    The student shall be able to attain leadership skills and perform responsibly as an individual as well as in a team while being accountable and result oriented.

  • Multicultural Understanding & Global Outlook 

    The student shall demonstrate competencies to work in a cross-cultural environment and evolve as a responsible global citizen.

  • Integrity and Ethics 

    The student shall practice ethical behavior and demonstrate professional integrity in their conduct.

  • Social & Emotional Skills 

    The students shall be able to acquire social and emotional skills to work effectively with diverse group of people in multi-cultural environment and situations.

  • Employability, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship 

    The student shall be able to define their career aspirations and work towards achieving the same by engaging in developing appropriate skills and competencies in their chosen profession (corporate career, student start up, family business, higher education etc.).

  • Lifelong Learning 

    The student shall be able to evaluate and reflect the virtue of lifelong learning.

  • Environment & Sustainability 

    The student shall be able to analyze and implement the initiative to conserve natural resources and develop sustainable technologies by using knowledge and experience of their discipline.

  • Customer Management Skills in Hospitality and Tourism 

    Recognize the Need and Importance of Customer Relations Resolve Customer Grievances up to the utmost satisfaction to ensure achievement of principles of Relationship Management.

C. List Of Institutes