Faculties / Domains

APPLY NOW 2025 Admissions

A. Mission

To provide education at all levels in Natural Resources & Environment discipline of modern times and in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of knowledge, learning and research with Natural Resources & Environment domain and to develop the overall personality of the by making them not only excellent professionals but also good individuals, with understanding and regards for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage of conviction and action.

B. Graduate Attributes

  • Knowledge & Intellectual rigour 

    Ability to acquire knowledge and understanding of the environment and natural resources at advanced levels that are internationally recognized and a commitment to the highest standards of professional endeavor with an ability to take a leadership role in the community. Keeping up-to-date with the latest standards and competence in applying acquired knowledge and skills to manage projects within environment and natural resources management domain.

  • Research Aptitude and Reflective Learners 

    Ability to create new knowledge and understanding through the process of research and development. Ability to identify, define, investigate, and solve issues related to the management of the environment and natural resources. Ability to work independently, analytically and creatively and exercise critical judgment and critical thinking to create new modes of understanding complex environment and natural resources issues. Ability to develop practical skills in environment and natural resources management.

  • Information Technology Skills 

    The ability to locate, analyse, evaluate and synthesise information from a wide variety of sources in a planned and timely manner through the use of appropriate media, tools and methodologies. Proficiency in the appropriate use of contemporary technologies. Technologically, digitally and information technology literate and understanding the importance of keeping up-to-date with the latest approaches and technology in environment and natural resources management field.

  • Investigative and Problem Solving 

    An ability to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to present and future problems within environment and natural resources management field. Ability to work independently in identifying problems and applying relevant tools and techniques across the wide range of areas of environment and natural resources. Ability to apply decision making methodologies to evaluate solutions for efficiency, effectiveness and environmental sustainability.

  • Effective Communicators 

    Possess a high standard of verbal, visual and written communication skills and ability to present information in a highly coherent manner across different contexts. Ability to listen and negotiate effectively with others on different fronts.

  • Behavioral Skills, Autonomous and collaborative 

    Highly developed team workers with excellent interpersonal skills and an appreciation for planning, sharing and working towards common goals in a team. Autonomous workers capable of self-management including management of time, resources, priorities and uncertainties. Ability to reflect on individual value systems and respect other’s views and values rationally.

  • Global Environment and Natural Resources Manager 

    Awareness on ethical, social and cultural issues globally and their importance in exercising professional skills and responsibilities. Ability to analyze issues and problems of local, national and international concerns within natural resources and environment domain and act appropriately

  • Ethics and professional conduct 

    Understanding and commitment to the highest ethical and professional environmental standards, sensitivity to moral issues and conflicts, and relevant professional and environmental legislation and regulations. Acknowledge and accept common responsibility to preserve the environment and natural resources. Strive for justice, equality, honesty, and integrity in all personal and professional pursuits.

  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship 

    Ability to create original ideas and concepts, and appreciate innovation and entrepreneurship within the domain of natural resources and environment. Ability to work as catalysts for change by converting opportunities into marketable realities within the domain of natural resources and environment.

  • Lifelong Learning 

    Commitment towards lifelong learning and continuous professional development. Demonstrate independent and self-directed learning to facilitate lifelong learning of the new and updated concepts of management of natural resources and environment.

  • Knowledge & Intellectual Proficiency in natural resources & environment management 

    The student shall be able to acquire knowledge and understanding of the environment and natural resources at advanced levels to achieve academic and professional excellence.

  • Self-Directed and Active Learning 

    The student shall be self-directed and act on new opportunities proactively and independently in the field of Natural Resources and Environment management.

  • Research Aptitude and Profound Learners 

    The student shall be able to create new knowledge and understanding through the process of research and development in thrust areas of sustainable management of natural resources and environment.

  • Information & Communication Technology Skills 

    The student shall be able to use appropriate tools and technologies for information acquisition, monitoring, communication and management of natural resources and environment in compliance with Industry 4.0 .

  • Inquisitive and Problem Solving 

    The student shall be able to apply effective, creative and innovative solutions, both independently and cooperatively, to present and future problems with the objective of achieving environmental sustainability.

  • Effective Communicators 

    The student shall exhibit high standard of verbal, visual and written communication skills to present information in a highly coherent manner across different contexts.

  • Novelty and Reflective Thinking 

    The student shall employ sound decision making abilities, through the use of clear, critical and creative thinking and effective problem solving skills for developing processes/products relevant to the industrial/society needs in the domain of Natural Resources and Environment.

  • Logical Decision-Making Ability 

    The student shall be able to evaluate and draw conclusions from gathered information, to find sustainable solutions to complex problems and make decisions related to conservation and management of Environment.

  • Leadership & Teamwork 

    The student shall work as result-oriented team builders with appreciation towards other’s views and values and working towards common goals in a team.

  • Understanding of Cultural diversity & Global Perspectives 

    The student shall be able to value social and cultural diversity and explain the role of community and various stakeholders in the management of environment and natural resources, both regionally and globally.

  • Integrity and Ethics 

    The student shall practice highest ethical and professional standards, sensitivity to moral issues and conflicts, and integrity in all personal and professional pursuits.

  • Social & Emotional Skills 

    The student shall be able to acquire social and emotional skills to manage diverse thoughts, feelings and perspectives of various stakeholders for achieving the common objective of sustainable management of natural resources and environment.

  • Employability, Enterprise & green Entrepreneurship 

    The student shall explore new opportunities and ideas and work as catalysts of change by converting opportunities into marketable realities within the domain of natural resources and environmental sciences.

  • Lifelong Learning 

    The student shall be committed towards lifelong learning and continuous professional development of the new and updated concepts of sustainable management od environment and natural resources.

  • Environment and Sustainability 

    The student shall continuously strive to conserve the environment and natural resources by developing sustainable technologies and solutions.

  • Sustainability focused 

    Ability to recognize the interrelationship between environmental, social and economic sustainability and appropriately apply their environmental and sustainability literacy in a highly diverse range of contexts.

  • Cultural and social awareness 

    Awareness and respect for cultural diversity and the relationship between community and natural resources, both regionally and globally. Ability to relate and examine similar issues related to environment and natural resources in different cultural and social settings.

C. List Of Institutes