Faculties / Domains

APPLY NOW 2025 Admissions

A. Mission

To provide education at all levels in all disciplines of arts, humanities, social sciences, journalism, mass media and communication in the futuristic and emerging frontier areas of knowledge, learning and research and to develop the overall personality of students by making them not only excellent professionals but also good individuals, with understanding and regard for human values, pride in their heritage and culture, a sense of right and wrong and yearning for perfection and imbibe attributes of courage, conviction and action.

B. Graduate Attributes

  • Knowledge and Understanding in Applied Arts, Journalism, Communication, Humanities and Social Sciences 

    • Understand historical backgrounds and latest theories in fields of Humanities, Journalism, Mass Communication and Social Sciences. • Acquisition and application of current and future trends in areas of Languages, Journalism, Humanities and Social Sciences. • Ability to use this knowledge to solve novel problems.

  • Research Expertise and Enquiry 

    • Possess ability to find research gaps ,design ,conduct ,implement and evaluate relevant research studies in upcoming areas; • Ability to utilize research methods and techniques to empirically establish observed phenomenon. • Ability to generate novel ideas for creating new forays in the area of interest.

  • Information and Digital Literacy 

    • Awareness, skill and ability to use the latest technology for searching, analyzing and reaching pertinent inferences in the field of applied arts, journalism, communication , humanities and social sciences. • Utilize the research repository for execution of reliable, valid and implicative research ideas.

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills 

    • Demonstatrate the ability to articulate and interpret innovative ideas to solve current problems and improve human existence. • Develop the ability to analyse social and psychological metamorphosis and how it impacts changes in literature, economy, psychology ,communication etc. • Evaluate the role of interdisciplinary studies to come to holistic conclusions for global issues.

  • Communication Skills 

    • Ability to write and present information in various formats. • Ability to skillfully convey findings and facts. • Ability to prepare objective and brief reports. • Ability to actively listen and interpret information.

  • Behavioral Skills, Teamwork and Leadership 

    • Demonstrate understanding , relativity ,sensitivity, self efficacy in their professional and personal dealing. ? Demonstrate enthusiasm in undertaking projects of social, psychological, economic, media and linguistic relevance. ? Collaborating and leading teams and handling issues like conflicts, cohesion, team work. ? Show initiative and will be able to lead self and team ? Show calmness and grace in a crisis situation

  • Global Citizenship 

    • Recognize the role of economists, social scientists, social workers, psychologists and media experts in management of current global issues. • Demonstrate keenness to intervene and solve issues pertaining to current social scenarios. • Understanding the role played by themselves in sustainable environment development and taking continuous steps to contribute to global issues.

  • Ethical, Social and Professional Understanding and Conduct 

    • Awareness and Practice of ethical codes of conduct in respective fields. • Recognizing the respect for privacy, confidentiality of information, justice, and equality for all.

  • Employability, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship 

    • Develop latest concepts in humanities, social sciences, political sciences, developmental studies, psychology, literature, economics, journalism and communication. • Ability to independently design and implement novel projects and processes for improving existing work, research and quality of life.

  • Lifelong Learning 

    • Develop ability to incorporate theoretical and practical knowledge in constantly improving existing conditions. • Show Continued commitment to learn new skills and knowledge in areas of humanities, social sciences, political sciences, developmental studies, psychology, literature, economics, journalism and communication.

  • Creation and Interpretation of knowledge 

    The student shall be able to acquire a combination of theoretical, conceptual, analytical, computational, and experimental knowledge of Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Independent and Active Learning 

    The student shall be able to choose self-directed and active learning through strong intellectual engagement in independent work relevant to Humanities & Social Sciences discipline.

  • Inquiry and Research Skills 

    Students will be able to assess and compare the information to enable them to effectively participate and contribute to the vulnerable community in particular and society in general

  • Information and Digital Literacy 

    The student shall be able to efficiently use and apply information and communication technologies and participate in collaborative networks for developing requisite skills of Industry 4.0

  • Critical Thinking Skills in Social Sciences 

    Student shall able to recognize, identify and comprehend the use of various principles in the field of Social Sciences.

  • Interpersonal Communication Skills 

    Students shall be able to demonstrate professional attitudes, effective communication and behavioural skills that support and enhance individual’s performance and bridge the gap.

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills 

    The student shall be able to develop the ability to think critically, creatively and demonstrate problem solving skills to discover new horizons in the field of expertise.

  • Analytical Thinking & Decision-Making Ability 

    The student shall be able to develop analytical thinking for engaging in globalization process and attaining knowledge of development.

  • Team building and leadership skills 

    The student shall be able to demonstrate initiatives and learn to work in collaborative teams to build strong and successful teams that work together towards achieving challenging goals.

  • Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue 

    The students shall be accelerating globalization processes focusing on intercultural competencies both individual and collective, which will help in understanding manage cultural diversity more effectively.

  • Intellectual Integrity and Ethics 

    The student shall develop professional ethics and academic integrity and demonstrate these as an individual/ team member/ leader in diverse teams.

  • Empathy and Compassion 

    As Social skills and emotional skills are so interrelated, the students will be able to get along with others and to create and maintain satisfying relationships and also learn to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

  • Social Entrepreneur and Employability 

    The student shall be able to develop employability skills aligned with industry requirement and entrepreneur capabilities.

  • Foundation for learning and working 

    The student shall be able to assess, plan and implement social policies on sustainable basis

  • Environment and Sustainability 

    The student shall be able to analyse environmental sustainability policies, shape the ways that society and the economy interact with the environment, natural resources and ecosystems, and address issues such as water, energy and food security, and climate change.

  • Empathy and Compassion 

    • Develop empathetic understanding of micro and macro social and global issues. • Practice compassionate conduct towards all individuals, groups, clans, societies and cultures.

C. List Of Institutes